Dynamic vs Static Stretching: What's the Difference?


Stretching may remind everyone of that strict physical education teacher, but as we find new ways to challenge our bodies, stretching becomes more important. According to the National Academy of Sports Medicine, stretching allows us to incorporate a full range of motion into our joints and muscles to propel us through stronger workouts. It helps us avoid injuries as our increased flexibility prevents muscular imbalances that can ruin our form. Even if we're sore from not stretching after a hard workout yesterday, we'll probably want to exercise less today. Stretching also allows us to sustain our daily activities, such as picking up something that has fallen on the floor 

Stretching doesn't just improve the range of motion of a muscle group. A 2021 systematic review in Sports Medicine found that four minutes of passive stretching of a muscle benefits the body's full range of motion. According to a 2019 study in the Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, dynamic stretching can significantly improve range of motion in the hips in older adults. However, it's important to realize that different types of stretching, such as dynamic and static stretching, can provide different benefits.

Dynamic stretching is all about warming up the muscles 


 According to LiveStrong, dynamic stretching requires us to move  joints and muscles through their full range of motion. The emphasis is on movement. Muscles, joints and connective tissue heat up during these movements. Because you get stronger as you stretch, dynamic stretches help strengthen the tissues around your joints, making them more stable. Dynamic stretches also make you a little more alert, so it's best to do them in the morning or before your workout.You should also slowly start out with lighter movements, especially after you've been sitting or lying down for a while. In other words, doing jumping jacks as soon as you get up in the morning might not be  the best idea. 


 Healthline suggests dynamic stretches, like rotating your hips and standing your arms. You can also do some lunges without weights. According to LiveStrong, each movement should last 30-60 seconds.If you're a runner,  add leg swings before every run, according to the Hospital for Special Surgery. 


 Static stretching is all about relaxing your muscles. 


 Static stretching is our classic idea of ​​stretching, according to LiveStrong. It requires holding a position for a long time so that the muscles  not only stretch but also relax, especially if you include some deep breathing. Like dynamic stretching, static stretching  improves  range of motion. According to the National Academy of Sports Medicine, static stretching is best done after a workout or at night to  cool down the body.If you do it before a workout, it could affect your strength, power and performance, according to a 2013 report in the Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports. 


 The Newcastle Sports Injury Clinic suggests stretching your hamstrings  leg by leg while sitting on the floor. You can stretch your calves by leaning against the wall. Be sure to stretch each muscle just enough  that it's a little tight, but not so much that it hurts. You can only hold each stretch for  10 seconds, but try not to hop.The National Academy of Sports Medicine says  you can improve your flexibility and range of motion by stretching each major muscle group two to three times a week in addition to your regular workout.

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