Does your loved one have an eating disorder? Look for These 7 Signs

Approximately 30 million Americans will have an eating disorder in their lifetime, and calls to a national support group have increased during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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does-your-loved-one-have-an eating-disorder-look-for-these-7-signs

Between March 2020 and October 2021, the National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA) saw a 58% increase in calls, texts and emails seeking help. Eating disorders are the second highest risk of death from mental illness after opiate addiction, causing approximately 10,200 deaths annually in the United States.

But would you know  if you or someone you love needs help?According to the US National Institute of Mental Health.

Most people with an eating disorder never receive treatment.

The longer an eating disorder lasts, the harder it is to get rid of it. And these people have higher rates of recidivism and side effects of declining physical and mental health.

But there is hope for people with eating disorders or body image issues if their symptoms are recognized and treated early.

Top warning signs include weight issues; fear of exercise and food preparation; a controlling attitude towards food; strange behavior while eating; and negative  or low-energy moods, according to NEDA.

Here's what to look out for:

Weight: People with eating disorders may express concerns about their shape, weight, or  desire to look different. They may talk a lot about food, "clean" eating, dieting, or dieting actively.

Exercise: They can follow an exercise program without increasing their calorie intake and become anxious, upset, or emotional when unable to exercise.

Food Preparation—Although a person may be unusually interested in cooking, they will not actually eat what they prepare. They may eat foods that are different or "safer" than what the family eats.

Control over Food - They may become irrationally angry when they cannot control a food-related situation, such as a sudden change in dinner plans or the inability to order a meal they wanted to get.

Strange Behavior: You may exhibit strange behavior such as For example, going to the bathroom frequently during a meal or avoiding eating around other people.They can go through rituals like cutting  food into small pieces or eating food  in a specific order.

Mood: You may seem more depressed, anxious, or irritable than usual.

Energy: If you don't eat a lot, you probably have low energy or even low energy in the truest sense of the word. They  seem uninterested in the things they used to love, or they seem "down" all the time. Others may show the opposite reaction, taking on all kinds of responsibilities and activities, getting too involved, and giving 100% all the time.You can become obsessed with perfectionism.

If you have a loved one who seems to be struggling with an eating disorder, the best way to help them is to start a conversation about it. Gently voice your concerns and remind them that you are there to talk to them and help them through it. Find resources and speak to a doctor or therapist. Most importantly, let her know that you love her.

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