6 Foods to Keep Your Mind Young

6 Foods to Keep Your Mind Young

From YOU: Owner's Manual, by RealAge experts Michael F. Roizen, MD, and Mehmet C. Oz, MD
6 Foods to Keep Your Mind Young
6 Foods to Keep Your Mind Young

Generally, what is dangerous for your coronary heart additionally is likewise dangerous for your mind. Make no mistake: while fried potato skins break your pimples, they canbe additionally a element that receives shuttled up thru your arteries for your grey matter. 

Saturated fat, for example, clog arteries that cause your mind, setting you vulnerable to stroke, at the same time as omega-three fatty acids—the coolest fat observed in fish—are useful on your mind due to the fact they assist hold your arteries clear.  They also regulate neurotransmitters and reduce depression.

These are the first-rate ingredients to hold your mind and your RealAge young:


Nuts comprise monounsaturated fat to hold your arteries clear, in addition to stages of precursors of serotonin to enhance mood.
Recommended Amount: 
1 ounce of nuts in the afternoon is just right. (More is good, but watch out for calorie overload.) One ounce is equivalent to 12 nuts or 24 almonds.

Fish (particularly wild salmon, whitefish, tilapia, catfish, flounder, mahi mahi)

Fish comprise artery-clearing omega-three fatty acids.
Recommended Amount: 
Lens for 13.5 oz. of fish per week, or three servings, each about the size of your fist.


Soybeans contains protein, fiber and healthy fats for the heart and arteries.
Recommended Amount: 
1 cup of soybeans in the afternoon.

Tomato juice and the spaghetti sauce

Tomatoes comprise folate, lycopene, and different vitamins to hold arteries young.
Recommended Amount: 
8 oz.In the afternoon of juice or two tablespoons of spaghetti sauce an afternoon.

Olive oil, nut oils, fish oils, flax seeds and the avocado

All of those ingredients comprise coronary heart-healthful monounsaturated fat.
Recommended Amount: 
25% of daily energy should be healthy fat.

Real Chocolate (at the least 70 percentage cocoa)

Real chocolate will increase dopamine launch and presents flavonoids, which hold arteries young.
Recommended Amount: 
1 oz in the afternoon (to refresh milk chocolate).

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