Get Outside and Celebrate National Trails Day


This year, on June 4th, millions of people across the United States will take the trail, whatever the trail, to celebrate the Hiking Society of America's 30th  National Trails Day®.   This year's celebration focuses on encouraging novices and veterans alike to get off the trail  and the outdoor community better than they found it. Hikers, bikers, horseback riders, paddlers, trail clubs, federal and local agencies, land trusts and businesses will work together at events across  
 countries to build a more inclusive trail community and defend, nurture and restore trails and public lands clean. American The Society of Hikers and the National Trail Community invite people of all ages and abilities to gather with their friends and neighbors around the joys of the great outdoors.   Anyone can join the national movement by giving back to  trails to  ensure  everyone can enjoy the great outdoors.There is something magical to go out, "explains Kate Van Wes, executive director of for the American Hiking Society. "Fresh air, birdsong, riding down a trail or even walking around the block - that's not possible," he emphasizes. . "But today, these pathways and green spaces are in dire need of help, and not everyone has access to, or feels welcome in, these places that can soothe and inspire," explains Dr. VanWaes.   “National Trails Day is the perfect opportunity to get out  with the people you love, give back to the trails that bring us together and make sure no one is  left out. “Not just on National Trails Day, but every day is a great time to make a commitment to keeping the outdoors accessible and restful for all. Hiking Society of America's website for events near you - Make the pledge for National Trails Day  and commit to leaving the trail and  outdoor community better than you found it -- take a trash bag, for example on a hike or trek.  Or step up and tell 
 your congressmen to support the Traffic to Trails Act. They're entering to win prizes from National Trails Day sponsors  Duluth Trading Co. AKHG, Athletic Brewing Co., REI Coop, Osprey packages and more. Share how you can get off the trail and the outdoor community better. what you found  and tag #NationalTrailsDay and @AmericanHiking on social media.Photos and videos tagged on Instagram are entered into the National Trails Day® Photo Contest for a chance to win 
Packages de prix to learn more  and  find events near you. The American Hiking Society's National Trails Day® is made possible through the generous support of corporate sponsors: AKGH of Duluth Trading Co., Athletic Brewing Co., REI Co-Op and Osprey Packs.   Federal partners include the National Park Service, the Bureau of Land Management, the Federal Highway Administration, and the US Forest Service. Copyright: Veronica Miranda 

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